7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (2024)

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7lb in 7 days (yes, I know)

43 replies

nodogsinthebedroom · 10/08/2017 10:06

Weighed myself this morning and I'm the heaviest I've ever been 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (1).

Yes, I KNOW crash diets are not a sustainable solution but I'm going on holiday next week, after which I'll be away on various trips for the next month, so the plan is the short sharp shock treatment this week, which will hopefully give me motivation to keep up with healthy eating over the holidays (plus plenty of walking etc) and thereby not turn into jabba the hutt by the time I get back in September.

So, it's 800 kcals/day, Jillian Michael's "Ripped in 30", loads of water and maybe some sh*tter tea.

Anyone with me?

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QuimReaper · 10/08/2017 12:37

sh*tter tea! I remember that thread! 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (2)


scrubthedeckandmakeitlookSHINY · 10/08/2017 12:41

sh*tter tea! Amazing thread 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (3)


nodogsinthebedroom · 10/08/2017 13:03

Sorry for the ridiculous link

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slightlysoreboobs · 10/08/2017 13:36

Yes! Me! Exactly the same situation except I've got 2 weeks until holiday.

My plan: 1000 calories a day (I'd die on 800. Hats off to everyone on the original sh*tter thread. I do not have your stamina 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (4) )

Maybe some exercise. What can I do at home with three needy kids on their school holidays?

Lots of water and black clothes coffee.

And brutal determination. I've got my baggy shorts on and they're tight and I've got a massive muffin top. And let's not even talk about the cellulite.

So far today I've had an apple and a banana and 2 black coffees. I'd better be 8 stone tomorrow 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (5)



slightlysoreboobs · 10/08/2017 13:37

Also no sh*tter tea for me


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7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (6)

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scrubthedeckandmakeitlookSHINY · 10/08/2017 19:07

I'm going to buy sh*tter tea tomorrow. I'd forgotten about it. I could do with pooing out some holiday weight 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (7)


VivienneWestwoodsKnickers · 10/08/2017 19:17

Signing up - getting married in 16 days....

How effective is this tea?


slightlysoreboobs · 10/08/2017 21:18

Well I've finished the day on 885 calories probably still full from yesterday's carb fest

Took the kids out for a walk after tea and resisted the ice lollies they had when we got back 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (8)

Will update with weigh in tomorrow


scrubthedeckandmakeitlookSHINY · 10/08/2017 22:41

The tea can be VERY effective 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (9)

Stay close to a toilet.


QuimReaper · 10/08/2017 22:45

I've still got an old box of sh*tter's tea in the cupboard, I'd forgotten all about it. I never had the dramatic results people talk about, it was very disappointing 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (10) I wasn't mad on the taste so didn't try very many times though.


nodogsinthebedroom · 11/08/2017 08:17

Oh great, it's nice to have company 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (11).

So, yesterday's starting weight was 10st 7.2lb.

Came in at just about 810 kcals, plus one tea (which, ahem, did its job)

Weight this morning: 10st 6.2lb

So that's a stay at least. Can't do my exercise video this morning unfortunately, as we have workmen coming, but will go for a long walk and try to fit it in later.

Hope everyone has a good day.

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nodogsinthebedroom · 11/08/2017 08:18

Vivienne - I've never tried the tea on a sustained basis.. not in work until Tuesday so will try having it every night till then and see how it goes (not sure I want to risk it before an hour long commute..)

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VivienneWestwoodsKnickers · 11/08/2017 08:40

f*ck it, going shopping this afternoon!


WutheringFrights · 11/08/2017 08:45

If you are looking for speedy weightloss....I started the Cambridge weightloss diet three weeks ago at 12 stone and I've lost 16lbs already and my stomach is flatter than its been for years!!!
You need to follow the diet plan properly but it is the most effective diet I have ever tried!
Obviously as with all diets it only works if you are careful how you reintroduce foods but I am so so pleased with my short term results!!!


nodogsinthebedroom · 11/08/2017 09:05

Well done Wuthering - that's an amazing loss!

If I was sticking to this for longer I might consider Cambridge but won't have time to see a consultant etc before heading off on holiday next Friday.

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slightlysoreboobs · 11/08/2017 09:38

8 st 13 yesterday morning
8 st 11.6 this morning 7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (12)

Got food planned for today too. Am awestruck by my organisation.

High fives all round. Let's keep losing!!

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slightlysoreboobs · 12/08/2017 07:29

Half a chocolate brownie fell into my mouth yesterday afternoon but I didn't descend into eating All The Food and ended on 1124. So all good. How's everyone doing?


pinkhorse · 12/08/2017 07:43

Where was the original thread about the tea? I'm intrigued!


LavenderDoll · 12/08/2017 07:51

I can't get the link to work. What's sh*tters tea... I need this in my life


nodogsinthebedroom · 12/08/2017 07:58

Well done slightly! Great start! Where are you going on holiday?

I was a bit over my 800 yesterday - was absolutely starving by the evening and ate two massive bowls of vegetables. Managed a 6 mile walk and a Jillian Michaels workout though, which I was pleased with.

10st 3.8 this morning.

pinkhorse I will try to dig it out and link.. it is a good read.

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splatattack · 12/08/2017 07:59

Good luck!!


nodogsinthebedroom · 12/08/2017 08:00


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nodogsinthebedroom · 12/08/2017 08:03

Above is the original "sh*tter tea" thread. The tea is "Slimmatea" and they sell it in Holland and Barrett etc. It's basically tea with senna in it, ie a laxative, so not exactly a healthy way to lose weight long term but desperate times etc.

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7lb in 7 days (yes, I know) | Mumsnet (2024)
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