Is Salt bad for Weight Loss: Must know for Weight Loss - Weight Loss (2024)

The chemical name of salt is sodium which is essentially required by the body. There are many such functions associated with sodium such as regulating blood pressure, nutrient transport, and also in nerve functions. But there are many myths regarding salt, that it’s not good for weight loss if not taken in appropriate amounts. Today’s article lets us know if Is salt really bad for weight loss and many other queries related to salt.

What makes you gain more weight whether salt or sugar

Among the salt and sugar, the true culprit seems to be sugar. This is because sugar causes weight gain which basically leads to obesity. Sugary foods and drinks are high in calories. With the practice of regular physical activity, the problem of weight gain can be cleared. Excess intake of sugar causes a sudden spike in weight gain and also in insulin levels.

Talking about excess intake of salt, it’s always excreted by the kidneys. Excess intake of salt, when given to the body, can be resolved. A very good example of this is when any normal person is given too much of salt through IV fluids, it’s quite possible that the person can resolve it very easily once the IV is stopped enough.

This happens when a person is normal with the functioning of their kidneys. However, sugar cannot be secreted from the body. In fact, it’s stored as fat which is basically called lipogenesis. So, salt cannot be stored by the body whereas sugar can be stored and will lead to various health complications.

How long does sodium weight gain last

If you are on high sodium diets and then return back to normal weight with healthy eating then you are likely to return to normal weight within just 1 or 2 days. However, if you are high sodium diet for longer then the amount of water you have retained takes longer to lose.

Is pink salt good for weight loss?

Pink salt contains more nutrients in comparison with white salt. pink salt is extracted from the foothills of the Himalayas and is naturally pink in color. This is the reason it’s known as Himalayan pink salt or Himalayan salt. It also contains iron in it. according to estimation pink salt contains 84 different minerals along with other trace elements.

This salt is also known as fishing salt as it’s used at the end of cooking in order to add flavor and crunch to the diet. Pink salt is less refined and we get zinc, iron, calcium, and even iodine through intake of it. It’s more nutritious and better when coming from a health perspective point of view.

However when it comes to weight loss, both white and pink salt has the same sodium in weight. This simply means if you are consuming too much salt in your diet no matter which type it is, you are likely to see water retention in your body. Water retention causes weight gain in the body.

Try consuming sodium in moderation and avoid it by sprinkling it on top of your cooked food. A person’s daily diet should be less than 5 grams which equals about a teaspoon. Read also How To Lose Weight Fast 10 Kgs In 2 Weeks

Can low sodium causes weight gain

The widespread use of the low sodium versions of food has scattered all over grocery stores that don’t fully satisfy the meal. If you are eating one bag of popcorn or a sachet of salty chips you feel satisfied with that. But when low sodium foods are taken you are likely to end up eating three bags of them to obtain more salt in your body. In simple words, we can say that low-salt foods may lead to a greater intake of chips, popcorn, or pretzels. A person starts gaining extra calories which eventually causes weight gain in the body.

Not only weight gain, but sodium also has an impact on fat storing hormone too which is “insulin”. The role of insulin is to help the body to retain more salt. How ever, when low salt diets are taken it causes an increase in insulin levels, potentially increasing the amounts of fat the body store with calories consumed. Low-salt diets have also been found to promote insulin resistance. Being insulin resistant is the main culprit for a person to be diabetic.

Does salt make you fat or just bloated?

Salt is necessary for health but excess sodium makes the body to retain water which causes bloating. According to Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), about 90% of people in the United States consume more of sodium in their diet. Those people don’t even realize how much they intake salt through means of processed foods.

Many people pay attention to high salt diets as they have seen an association between high sodium diets which links to high blood pressure, heart diseases, and stroke. When excess sodium is taken into the diet it causes water retention in the body. Due to the water retention, a person feels more bloated. However, the experience is on a temporary basis as research shows a connection between weight gain and excess sodium consumption.

How much weight gain after a salty meal

It’s often associated with excess salt intake in diet with fluid retention. This is because a lot of salt in the body causes it to conserve water. According to a recent study, when high salt intake is taken it increases thirst in the body. The body uses excess fluids consumed to dilute that excess sodium that it’s unable to excrete quickly enough.

This extra fluid stays in the body causing no change in urine volume. Therefore, in form of fluids, this sodium makes you gain weight which is seen in a sudden way. This is the reason many people feel puffy after eating a salty meal. Read also Banana For Weight loss or weight gain?

This is to be noted that the fluid retention caused is only on a temporary basis. the level of body fluids will come back to normal in just a few days.

In a small study, it was found that although diets high in salt will lead to weight gain and the body conserves water among 10 healthy men but when higher salt consumption was taken there was no association with increased fluid intake.

However, the relationship between dietary salt intake and fluid balance is complex. Much research is needed in this area to understand the relationship between high salt intake and the body’s fluid levels.

What’s the daily recommendation for salt

The American Heart Association recommends eating less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. This equals about a teaspoon of salt. for most adults, a daily limit f 1500 mg is ideal for consumption.

Despite this, individuals in the United States take about 3.400 mg of salt per day. About 70% of the daily sodium intake comes from packaged and processed foods or even restaurant meals food. Unknowingly people consume sodium and they don’t even realize it after consuming it. Even though people restrict salt in their diet, surprising amounts come from outside food.

Are foods high in salt also high in calories?

Foods that are high in salt are also high in calories too. A very good example is fast food. Not only fried foods, boxed mac cheese, frozen dinners, creamy pasta, and pizzas are high in salt and calories. When high salty foods are taken into the diet, it causes a rise in calories which eventually causes weight gain.

Additionally, it’s been found that high salty foods increase the risk of obesity alone with being independent of calories. In one study there are 1,243 children and adults. It was found that they have higher urinary sodium which was more likely to have obese and overweight. It was found that the high salt intake in both children and adults significantly led to the deposition of higher body fat in the body.

In another study where 9.162 people participated, sodium intake greater than 2,300 mg per day there was a significant association with a higher risk of obesity and belly fat as well. After a comparison of both studies, it was found that higher sodium intake was associated with weight gain and obesity issues.

Ways to cut back on salty stuff

Without salt intake there is no existence, we all know that. Sodium which is naturally found in foods such as eggs and shellfish is not an issue to consume. However, it’s important to monitor your diet to make sure that you are not going high in salt intake. Salt is considered bad for weight loss. Read also Healthy Foods That Help You Burn Fat

Typically we gain a lot of salt intake by consuming highly processed foods in the diet. Here are a few foods that you can cut back in order to reduce your caloric load.

  • Avoid eating highly processed and salty foods such as pizzas, tacos, French fries, hamburgers, nuggets, and other fried foodstuff.
  • Foods that are packaged for example chips, pork rinds, and pretzels should be avoided.
  • Processed meats are most commonly consumed. Jerky, bacon, salted and cured meats, salami, and sausages should be avoided in the diet.
  • Not only that even salty condiments and salad dressings should be avoided. Even sauces such as hot sauce and soy sauce should be avoided.
  • Canned meats are also rich in sodium. Ready-to-make pasta mix, rice dishes, canned soups along with box casseroles should be avoided.
Is Salt bad for Weight Loss: Must know for Weight Loss - Weight Loss (2024)


Is salt bad when trying to lose weight? ›

To add to the problem, because sodium causes more water to be retained in your body, this will cause you to gain weight. Furthermore, several studies have shown that a high sodium diet can actually cause you to drink less water and be more hungry, which could then lead to overeating and more weight gain.

What is the number one rule to losing weight? ›

The one rule for weight loss is to create a consistent caloric deficit. This is the first step in helping you reach your weight-loss goals. To create a caloric deficit, you need to understand the relationship between calories and energy. Calories provide the energy your body needs to perform everyday activities.

Does salt increase belly fat? ›

Another study among 9,162 people found that a sodium intake greater than 2,300 mg per day was significantly associated with a greater risk of obesity and belly fat, compared with a moderate sodium intake of 1,500–2,300 mg per day ( 8 ).

What foods cause the most belly fat? ›

High-sugar and processed foods are common causes of weight gain and obesity and can also slow a person's metabolism, hindering fat loss efforts. Trans fats , in particular, can cause inflammation and may lead to obesity. Trans fats are in many foods, including fast food and baked goods like muffins and crackers.

What is the best way to lose weight? ›

A lifestyle with good nutrition, regular physical activity, and stress management supports a healthy weight. People who lose weight at a gradual, steady pace—about 1 to 2 pounds a week—are more likely to keep the weight off than people who lose weight quickly.

Does drinking water help you lose weight? ›

Water can be a helpful part of a weight loss journey. It's 100% calorie-free, may help you burn more calories, and may even suppress your appetite if consumed before meals. The benefits are even greater when you replace sugary beverages with water. It can be a simple way to reduce sugar and calorie intake.

What is the number 1 thing that most people can do to lose weight? ›

One of the best ways to lose body fat is through steady aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking. Work up to at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days of the week.

What is the golden rule for losing weight? ›

To lose weight, consume fewer calories than you burn.

Some people do have medical conditions that make losing weight really, really hard. But for the vast majority, losing weight comes down to taking in less calories than you burn.

What is the best diet to lose belly fat? ›

Focusing on plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choosing lean sources of protein, such as fish and low-fat dairy products. Limiting processed meats, as well as the saturated fat that's found in meat and high-fat dairy products, such as cheese and butter.

What foods should you avoid when losing weight? ›

Below are examples of common foods that people may wish to limit.
  • Sugary beverages. ...
  • Baked foods. ...
  • Fried foods. ...
  • Processed fast food. ...
  • Crackers and chips. ...
  • Refined breads and pastas. ...
  • White rice. ...
  • Processed energy and granola bars.

How to slim down 20 pounds? ›

Here are the 10 best ways to quickly and safely drop 20 pounds.
  1. Count calories. ...
  2. Drink more water. ...
  3. Increase your protein intake. ...
  4. Reduce your refined carb consumption. ...
  5. Start lifting weights. ...
  6. Eat more fiber. ...
  7. Follow a sleep schedule. ...
  8. Add cardio to your routine.

Is it good to cut salt out of your diet? ›

Nine out of 10 Americans eat more sodium (salt) than they need. Eating too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, which may raise your risk of heart attack and stroke. The good news is that cutting down on sodium can help lower your blood pressure and keep your heart healthy.

Does salt make you temporarily gain weight? ›

Sodium causes your body to retain water. It makes you thirsty, which causes you to drink extra fluids. Then, your body uses these extra fluids to dilute all the excess sodium that your body is unable to flush out in the form of waste. As a result, you may feel and look bloated and gain some water weight.

What happens if you stop eating salt for a week? ›

Salt loss (hyponatremia)

Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the sodium in your blood falls below the normal range of 135–145 mEq/L. In severe cases, low sodium levels in the body can lead to muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Eventually, lack of salt can lead to shock, coma and death.

How much sodium is too much in a day? ›

The daily limit set by nutrition experts in the U.S. is 2,300 milligrams (mg) a day for people ages 14 and older. The World Health Organization suggests a limit of 2,000 mg of sodium a day. Most of the sodium you eat is hidden in prepared foods.

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